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First Nation College - Information Session

You are being invited to participate in course programming at the First Nation College.  Kapawe'no First Nation have launched their accredited First Nation College and will be offering the following courses in the upcoming inaugural Winter and Spring/Summer Sessions.  An information session is planned for Tuesday, January 30th, 2024 at 5PM and you are invited to attend in person or virtually to find out more information about the First Nation course offerings. The Information Session will be held at the Kapawe'no First Nation Band Office, in the community hall, and will address the following post secondary course offerings and educational upgrading opportunities for those who may require same.

Topic: First Nation College Information

Meeting Time: Jan 30, 2024 at 5:00 PM MST

Meeting ID: 830 9267 0701

Passcode: 952120


Dinner will be provided to in person participants. 

Invitation is open to Nation Members 15+.  Seniors and Elders are invited to the meeting and also invited to participate in our Nation's Life Long Learning Continuing Education Department as instructors (more information will be provided on this at our meeting.