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Iyiniwok Consultation Referral and Coordination Centre

The Iyiniwok Consultation Referral and Coordination Centre (ICRCC) is an Alberta registered not–for-profit Society incorporated by Sawridge First Nation and Kapawe`no First Nation.

The ICRCC is tasked with facilitating meaningful consultation, information collation and provision of environmental advice where needed within the context of distinctive First Nation Inherent, Constitutional, Treaty and Aboriginal rights (as protected in Sec. 35 Canadian Constitution 1982), promises and interests (hereinafter referred to as rights and interests). ICRCC services include:

The collection, collation & disbursement of all information which will better inform First Nation Leadership decisions about Treaty & Traditional Area Land, Water, Air, Vegetation and Wildlife;

- Facilitation of meaningful consultation between Industry, Government and ICRCC Member First Nations;

- Coordinating and participating in Traditional Use Site Assessments;

- Provision of recommendations for mitigation and accommodation measures that pertain to adverse impacts resulting from land use change, industrial and  resource development or any other Treaty & Traditional Area Land, Water, Air, Vegetation and Wildlife related initiatives; and,

- First Nation Environmental Planning and specialized Environmental Assessments within First Nation Treaty & Traditional Areas.



Michelle Knibb, First Nation Liaison

Coty Halcrow Administrative Support
P.O. Box 10
Grouard, AB T0G 1C0

Phone: (780) 751-3714 Fax: (780) 751-3719


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