Consultation Process
The following is the six-step consultation process that all potential business partners must follow in order to do business with Kapawe’no First Nation:
Step 1: Initiation
2 copies of proposed project with applicable forms & maps, and map review fee sent to Consultation Liaison (P.O. Box 10, Grouard, AB TOG 1C0)
Liaison ensures all relevent information is available to First Nation (FN) before an acknowledgement is made; if not, request for all information is made. Consultation begins when all information is received. Project is held pending until all information is recieved.
Step 2: First Nation Consultation
A meeting maybe set up with FN, depending on the nature of project several next steps can take place such as; introductory meeting to discuss the project and related information and next steps, meet leadership or look at establishing a information sharing agreement such as a “good relations” ageeements.
Or project gets mapped (processed) with field staff for assessment.
Step 3: On going Consultation
Kapawe`no First Nation respects both Western scientific and FN Traditional methods of knowledge and uses both sources of information to make informed decisions. Therefore, once estimate is approved and paid, they conduct both assessments in the field. Both coordinated by the FN Liaison.
One assessment is done by an Environmental Advisor with a MSc. and or PhD. and the other by the Kapawe`no Traditional Land Use Committee and Land Users.
Step 4: On going Consultation
Pending the conditions of the Site Assessment and the nature of development, it may be done in one visit or it may require a further studies to ensure there is in fact not going to be an impact to FN livlihood or rights. A monitoring strategy may be considered to ensure sustainablitiy for the life of the project.
Step 5: On going Consultation
At this point, both reports are compiled by Liaison and summarized and provided for Chief and Council for thier information and decision.
Again, several next steps can occur pending results of studies; further request for information, meetings for mitigation, support letters, conditional sign off, referral to other FN etc.
Step 6: Consultation Complete
Chief and Council provide further direction to the Consultation Liaison to carry out.
Liaison will follow up with direction and conduct consultation in a timely manner until the life of the project is complete and reclaimed.
Michelle Knibb , First Nation Liaison
P.O. Box 10
Grouard, AB T0G 1C0
Phone: (780) 751-3714 Fax: (780) 751-3719
Cell: (780)-523-6366
Email Consultation